The Raging Bull Series is this year on the 6th of June (for more information click here). Currently we have 63 people signed-up with a max capacity of 64. There is a very small chance that we’ll increase the capacity, if anything changes I’ll definitely make a public announcement. 100% of the Dutch people who played at RBS last year, signed-up for the coming edition. That’s pretty amazing. If you want to play at RBS this year I advise you to act quick to claim the last spot. For everybody else we will keep a waiting list.
There are always some people who will have to cancel their registration prior to the event and with 4 weeks to go I will mail all participants to re-confirm if they still plan to come. I’m pretty certain also at RBS we will face some no-shows but I’ll be doing anything I can to prevent them up front. Within the Netherlands we are blessed with plenty of tournaments in such a small country, in case you wonder what other tournaments you could join, check out the Dutch Tournament Calendar.
Artist Sketches Reveal
Last year I had commissioned Randy Asplund to create sketches on 2 Raging Bull Artist Proofs.

This year I’ve asked Randy to do the same. While last year I wanted to keep the sketches a suprise, this year I’m spoiling them prior to the event. If you want some beautifull art or sketches from Randy, please check out his website:
Below sketches will be awarded during the Raging Bull Series 2020. If you want to win these, come join us at the Raging Bull Series. If not, hope to see you at any of the other great Old School tournaments out there!

Hoi kan ik mijzelf nog opgeven voor 6 juni?
Groetjes Robin
I’ve replied to your e-mail.