Category: Tournament Report
Guestblog: DadBodCon 2022 Organiser Report
“A room full of people enjoying the same thing they love, that’s what I did it for…” DadBodCon 2022 was…
Reborn League: Ice Age Draft Tournament Report
I don’t have a lot of time but I’m so full of joy still from playing over the weekend that…
Guestblog: Winterderby 2021
Robbert played his first Derby and has written a great tournament report to share his experience. I have been playing…
Dwarven Warriors 2021
I’ve had Beta Fever since Dwarven Warriors 2019. I’ve upgraded most of my collection by now apart from power, some…
Summerderby 2021, a tournament report
Each year Dave Firth Bard organizes two major OldSchool events, the Winter- and Summerderby. He does an amazing job for…
Raging Djinn Series: Coverage & Results
(Reading tip: This website is best suited for mobile devices, pictures are best watched in landscape mode) Sweet! Another Raging…
Raging Dwarf Series II: Coverage & Results
(Reading tip: This website is best suited for mobile devices, pictures are best watched in landscape mode) Raging Dwarf Series…
Raging Dwarf Series: Coverage & Results
(Reading tip: This website is best suited for mobile devices, pictures are best watched in landscape mode) The Raging Dwarf…
Guestblog: Raging Bull Series: Online by Anies
Anies (aka chatto) was so excited after Raging Bull that he decided to create a tournament report out of it….
Raging Bull Series: Online 2020 Coverage & Results
(Reading tip: This website is best suited for mobile devices, pictures are best watched in landscape mode) The 2nd Raging…